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"Bass Drops" and "Backward Cymbals"

I will be recording a death metal band soon and they want the electronic "bass drops" and "backward, shimmering cymbal" sounds to accompany their music. Where can I get these sounds from?

The guy at the local GC said that I need to buy the entire Battery program from Waves, however I am sure that there is a better way to them than that.

bass mixing idea

I didn't know where else to put this, so here goes...As Davedog and others may know, I've had issues with getting a decent bass sound on my tracks. Many reasons for this, won't re-hash them here. Anyway! Friend of mine suggests to me, since this bass player is all over the fret-board, low to mid to high and such, why not think of it like a keyboard? Take the bass track, make two copies.

Micing an upright bass?

I am going to be recording an upright bass for a rockabilly/ska type band. The bass has a pickup and he plays thru a GK amp and a GK 4X10 cabinet. I don't think I will have a hard time capturing the low end, but I am not sure what I should do to capture that signature rockabilly snap from the strings. . Would simply Micing the strings with a condenser do it or is there a better method?