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Stereo bass question a la DAvid Gray style

DAvid Gray's track "The One I Love" from the album "Life in Slow Motion" has all the low end in stereo, which is against everything I've ever heard recommended for mixing bass. The track was mixed by Andy Bradfield, mastered by Bob Ludwig, and to be honest, I really enjoy the fresh sound of this stereo bass when listening with headphones.

Recording Bass Guitar (tips?) / using Line 6 Effects Process

Im new to recording. I am looking to record bass, guitar, and drums in a few days, but i have never recorded bass. How would I get the best quality. I have my hands on a borrowed line 6 bass effects processor. Should I just direct input to the board, then bus to the effects processor, or would it make sense to use a large diaphragm condenser mic on the amp also?

Jazz Bass pickup hum

My recording engineer wants me to up-grade my single coil pickups on my Fender Jazz Bass to eliminate the hum.
In reserching the problem, I've found that these two stock single coil pickups should cancel the hum themselves by design.
How do I check the polarity of these pickups to see if they are installed correctly?
Are there any other tips for eliminating the hum?

Newbie - Mastering LIVE recording - echo, reverb, bass issue


Through a friend's suggestion, I have found my way to this forum to get a push in the right direction toward "cleaning-up / re-mastering" a LIVE U2 show that was recorded in the old Seattle Superdome. This venue is (was) a MASSIVE concrete structure, made for baseball and not a rock show. As a result, there is much "room noise" and "reverb / echo" present.

Recording guitar/bass/vocals in my room


Hello all! I'm a guitarist and a songwriting, and have only been really recording my songs on my little tape recorder so I don't forget them. I'd like to set up a system where I could record my guitar/bass/vocal tracks digitally to my computer.

I'm pretty familiar with Audacity, so I'm planning on using that for my mastering software.

Recording Jazz Trio, Grand Piano, Drums, Upright Bass.

Dear Engineers,

We are trying to record our jazz trio inside a small ..13'x19'x9' room.

looking at everything from the front, it's just like a 13x19 stage and if you are on the audience side looking at the stage, here how we are set up in the room:

Grand Piano on the left , Drums in the center, Upright Bass on the right

I'm Making A Beat with Fruity Loops ? About BASS

I have a question about making bass with FL Studio.

I use boobass, and I put it the mixer of FL Studio.
I play it on my KRK monitor speakers and it sounds great, but when export the file into an mp3 file and play it on regular car or computer speakers, I can't hear the bass a lot.