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Cubase is a digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. The first version, which was originally only a MIDI sequencer and ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989

audio in Cubase with Tascam us428

Does anyone know if the book, "Audio in Cubase VST quick start guide" would help me? I have a copy of Cubase 5.1, but no manual. I checked the CD and I don't see a manual on there. I'm trying to use it with the Tascam US 428. I'm not having very good luck with the version of Cubase that came with the unit. Or should I look into some other kind of software?

Setting Midi Bank Changes in Cubase SX 2.0?

I use Cubase SX 2.0 with a Roland M-VS1 sound module. It has 255 presets(bank1=128,bank 2=127) I can’t seem to get Cubase to perform a Bank Change to get to the other presets(129-255). If I manually set the bank change in the SX Inspector I can change all presets. But during Playback SX will not change presets?

Midi Bank Change in Cubase SX?

I know how to Draw in a Program Change in Cubase SX. However, I want to also draw in a Bank Change. My module has 255 presets. I even tried to record another track to handle the Bank Change but it would only use the presets in the first 128 patches. I usually set my Bank in the inspector to 129 to get to the other presets(129-255).But it won't do the bank change during playback?