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A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files. DAWs come in a wide variety of configurations from a single software program on a laptop, to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer. Regardless of configuration, modern DAWs have a central interface that allows the user to alter and mix multiple recordings and tracks into a final produced piece.

Need advice on DAW choice!

I know this question has been asked been asked before but I"m going to be very specific and not take up too much of your time.

I am deciding between Cubase AI/4 and Logic Studio.

I will be predominantly recording acoustic instruments, vocals, electric guitars and live kit. There will be very little if any digital instruments.

About to install only OS, DAW, & Sample library for a


So as l stated in my subject l have a new machine w/ three hard drive in my quad core 3gig RAM machine. But l don't know what software should go where? after talking to a few people l got a couple of different answers on what would be more efficient and what would help my programs run faster and safer.

computer tech gamer friend that builds pc's says

New format DAW consoles vs old school aircraft carriers

So I'm getting back into recording, and I hope someday to have enough money to build a place with full capabilities. At Full Sail, we used the SSL 4000 (I'm sure I only know 25% of that boards capabilities) and I've assisted for a while on same. Watching the SSL youtube videos of the AWS 900, like

New format DAW consoles vs old school aircraft carriers

So I'm getting back into recording, and I hope someday to have enough money to build a place with full capabilities. At Full Sail, we used the SSL 4000 (I'm sure I only know 25% of that boards capabilities) and I've assisted for a while on same. Watching the SSL youtube videos of the AWS 900, like


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