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A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files. DAWs come in a wide variety of configurations from a single software program on a laptop, to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer. Regardless of configuration, modern DAWs have a central interface that allows the user to alter and mix multiple recordings and tracks into a final produced piece.

Sinc of Digi002 + Digi001 DAWs

I got two Daws a DIGI 002 rack based and the other with the a 001, how is the most efective way to sync both system (002 machine as Master and the 001 as slave..the idea is to get 64tracks system with the two system, i've to get the dvtoolkit but is only more chanells not more power processing,..if any one could help..thanks... RAZA

DAW - Which One?

Hey guys!
I record concert bands (50 - 75 students) live with a stereo microphone - I have been using various combinations of equipment (some borrowed - some my own) and would like to purchase my own equipment. I don't want to go the Pro Tools route - have done that and haven't been happy with it - my computer has frozen on occasion, and with live recording, I can't live with that.

Which DAW to get?

I first thought i would be able to build my own DAW but I think it would be a little over my head at this moment, so I am thinking about buying a custom built DAW and I am wondering which company makes the best DAW for the money. I have looked at sweetwater's site, ADK's site and endpcnoise site. Some recomendations would be greatly appreciated.

New DAW suffering sound dropouts from some channels

I just built a new DAW. When I load my old projects into Cubase SX3 (3.11) and/or Logic 5.5 or create new projects I find myself suffering random audio dropouts on some channels of the sequencer but not others. The problem seems to occur on VST instrument channels as appose to audio tracks. The dropouts occur roughly once a minute during playback of a project.