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Lengthy guitar cables

At my studio, we are putting in wall mounts that will allow some members of the band to play in the live room but have their amp in the booth so the band can all play in the same room. Now we do this by having jacks in the live room and running the wire through the walls to the booth so your guitar would plug into the wall mount jack.

Recording Solo Acoustic Guitar - Mic Placement


I'd really like to hear the community's views on this difficult subject. What are you're favourite stragegies:

Spaced pair: big stereo image but big also on phase cancellation problems?
X/Y: No phase problems but unexciting and narrow stereo image?
ORTF: Happy medium?

How far away from the guitar? 6"? 12"? 18"? 24"? Angled up/down?

Good guitar distortion and tone for recording. HELP ME!

Lately i've been considering buying a new guitar head to record with because my current one just isn't cutting it. I've been toying around with a Marshall JCM 2000 which has pretty good distortion and superb clean tone and a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier that has excellent distortion and pretty descent clean tone.