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Terrible mix translation...beginner monitors?

I have been mixing on a decent Logitech 2.1 system. I know, I know that is not real practical, so I have decided to get a decent set of entry level studio monitors. I am only on a $300 dollar budget so my choices are very limited. Also, I do not have any local music shops so I cannot go demo speakers so I am really relying on online reviews and forums.

Will mix for food...

I need work. Plainly stated. Granted, my studio is not my main bread-winner (and at this point I'm thankful for that), but I'm REALLY out there marketing but I'm not getting any bites. I've invested a ton of capital in my studio, not to mention the time I spend in my control room every night trying different things. At this point, I'm beginning to question the probability of success.


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