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Avoiding breath noises while tracking acoustic guitar?

Any suggestions on this? I am tracking acoustic guitar with an AT-4047 and an AT2020. Both are cardiod pattern mics and I have even placed them a little above the guitar facing down so as to turn them away from the player's head, hoping they would reject the breath sounds even more but I am still getting a lot of it in the recording.

Mobilepre noise problems

Hi All...

I am going out of my mind trying to solve my Mobilepre audio problem!

My problem is that whenever I record through Cubase SX3, Ableton whatever. I can hear clicks and within a few seconds
a horrible squelching noise takes over, I have to close out the program to get rid of it. this also happens if I listen to or watch something in Windows

Can this sound clip be fixed with noise reduction?

I recorded an acoustic guitar with a RODE nt4 mic. I have a pretty noisy environment for recording and unfortunately, it's probably not going to change. Most of my recordings are distorted guitar through a Palmer Speaker Simulator and everything else is software, so room noise isn't generally a problem. For this, however, it definitely is.