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phantom power w/ daw

i was wanting to know if i have to record seperately with my condensers that require phantom power than with my dynamic mics that dont require it. my Mackie cfx16 board has one master phantom power switch and it seems like a bad idea to feed phantom power to my dynamics that dont require it. is this true or would i be fine having it on while mics that dont need it are plugged in?

Power amp for Monitors

Hi All I am looking for a power amp for a pair of PMC LB1s They are rated at 60 - 250w at 4 omhs.

I have about £300 to spend should i be looking for a Pa power amp - I have seen a crown geodyne 500w for £250 or should i be
looking for an hi fi amp. I know to stay well clear of samson for sure but any suggestions would be appreciated


Got enough juice for your power amps?

I was just looking at the specs on the Behringer ep2500 power amp and I realized it says that baby sucks 9.6amps. Now at that rate on a normal 15 amp circuit that you'd encounter a lot, you couldn't even run 2 of them on one could you? I highly doubt it's 9.6amps continuous unless its pushing max power, right? whats the opinion.

Inadequate power supplies. .

I've read a lot of posts about wall warts being inadequate for preamps. and I was wondering it that holds the same for guitar gear?

For example. the rackmount version of the Line 6 POD has an internal power supply, and the kidney bean looking one uses a wall wart-esque power supply. Has anyone done an A/B to see if they sound different from one another?