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The importance of a good power supply?

Hi guys, just got the new Dell. It's only so far come out of the box to get sound card and software installed at the music store.

Anyway, before I go plugging it into my wall, is it important to get a good power bar, or some such device that helps control power spikes, or is it all a moot point as the machine converts it into 24V DC anyway?

Can phantom power fry equipment?

If I were to use a condenser mic and send it to a compressor (XLR i/o) before going into a MOTU 896 HD with phantom power enabled on the mic input, would I damage the compressor? I was going to use an outboard phantom power adaptor or go directly from the mic to the MOTU and use a send/return loop for the compressor just to be on the safe side, but I thought I'd ask.


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