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UAD LA-2A and 1176LN, Which Native Plugin comes Closest.

Anyone know of any Native plugin that comes close to UAD's LA-2A and the 1176LN emulation.

I will be getting a UAD pack in about a month. But untill then I need a plugin that has the Lushness and Creamyness of the UAD's LA-2A .

Which plugin compressor have you used that comes the closest. Thanks
Help is appreciated.

And which PAK to you recommend?

UA mic preamp/limiter questions


I know the UA topic may be overdone at this point, but I have a few questions regarding their equipment and your personal experience with UA gear. I don't have a lot of bucks but I'm looking for a mid to high-end mic preamp, with vintage sound and colour for about $1600. The Putnam designs have always excited me, and some of my favorite records were recorded with the 610 console.

UA Logic UAD-1 or UAD-1e for New Mac Pro G5?

The resaon I'm asking this is two part. 1. I'm currently running Logic 5.5.1 on PC and will soon be moving to Mac to upgrade to the latest version of logic but I want to buy a UAD-1 now to use on current projects. 2. As I have to buy the UAD-1(pci) to work in my current system, will it work also on the newest Macs? Or do you have to purchase the UAD-1e(pci express) for the new Macs.

UA LA-610

So I just purchased the UA LA-610 about a week ago after hearing many great things about it, however after toying around with it (I've only recorded guitars so far) I have not been able to find a setting a like that is much different from the mic preamps that the Digi002 rack offers, in fact I almost like the DIGI's pres better. there has to be something I'm doing wrong.