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accessing data on SCSI drives

not sure which of the two digital forums is more appropriate for this.

For PC users, what is the best method of accessing data from the removable SCSI drives (in Kingston carriers) that are still common on hard disk recorders?

Is there a table top SCSI box connects to most PCs that allows you to pop in a SCSI drive/carrier?


UAD-1 card?

Greets all,

I'm considering getting a UAD-1 card and I've got a few questions:

* About how many plugins can it run at one time? I know each requires different amounts of resources but for example, how many Cambridge EQ's can be run at the same time?

It seems like their plugs, as popular and good sounding as they are, do eat up the DSP quickly.

Motherboard for my new DAW, with P4 3.2 need Advise

i need your wisdom on what motherboard
i should get for my first DAW i have orderd a
THERMALTAKE V5000A Cases and a Thermaltake Silent PurePower 420W power suply thats what i got to work with right now
so any advise on ram and cpu chip will help
any advise will help
thank alot
Ottomatrix 8-)