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Echo Layla 3g Layla3g - experiences so far?

Have had the Layla3g for a bit over 2 weeks so far and I am curious as to what experiences others have had. I use Win2k w/ a P4 1.7m 512m ASUS mb system w/ SiS. I have had some mysterious problems w/ an output pair not outputting or whole system not outputting requiring reboot but all in all I am sassyfied. Anyone else having any Windows/PC problems w/ the new Layla3G?

Signal from tape to digital too hot

I want to go straight from my tape machine to my digital interfaces. The probelm is I hit tape really hard and when I go straight to the intrfaces they clip. I'm trying to avoid going through the preamps again. There is no gain reducer on my interfaces so I have to do it before it hits them. Any sugestions?