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Setting up DAW home recording system, need help!


I am trying to set up a home studio and have some questions. Like many novices, I went into Guitar Center with a little bit of knowledge and made purchases based on their suggestions and my budget. Now, I am trying to figure out if I really have the equipment I need for my purposes and if I need to buy a new computer, etc.

Single coil pups

I need a new set of pups for a strat copy, and was wondering if anyone knew of some resonably priced ones. The tone I'm looking for is very clean, but will accept crunch/gain/distortion/fuzz well. I play reverb clean almost always, but I also need something to get some harsh tones (think 90s rock rythym guitar). I'm looking to spend at the very most $125 for the pickups.

I have returned...

And I can hear the screaming from here. Sorry for putting ya'll throught this again, but I am again in the market for recording equipment. This is what I'm looking at currently: an ART USB dual preamp interface ($100 from Musician's Friend), and some simple mic. Looking at around $200 for the whole setup, including any needed accesories.

Drum Heads mega question

I am about to rehead both of my drumsets! (hasn't been done in awhile)

I don't know what heads I want to use on them. I am a big fan of remo, that is all I have ever used, but would not be opposed to try Evans or Aquarian. I am also looking for general tuning tips/recommendations too.

Drumset #1 - 1970 4-piece Ludwig Vintage Blue/Green Badge

Partitions/VHDs? noob question

Hi, i finally got a reasonable computer (8GB DDR3; Phenom II x4) after dealing with my wife's 8 year-old gateway (256MB; Pentium) for years. I'm finally ready to delve into some serious production work. I'm using Cubase, Live and/or Reason primarily. I've read a bit about how setting up partitions to seperate operating system from samples, sound clips, etc can help overall performance.

Which types of advertising are worth it?

I own a small but good studio. Had a guy call me from at&t I think. He wanted me to give them about 1k for a year to put me at the top of the list in my town for recording on the site. Not one other studio in town or in any town near us does anything {advertising} through them at all except fot the basic freebee listing.