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anyone using saw studio? i can't figure out how to load tracks haha be gentle I'm new at this but anyone able to help? (more specifically loading audio tutorials from so that they get assigned to the right tracks) also how do i set up the outputs? like i said be gentle in your replies i am well aware i'm a moron when it comes to this but you telling me so isn't productive.

Need Help Hooking My 60's Fender amp Directly To My Mac

Recently i got a mac and one of the reasons i did so is for garage band. but anyways i recorded one song, did all the parts. it came out great. But now I'm working on a new song. what I'm trying to do is plug my 1960's fender amp into my mac so i can get the same distorted sound that the amp produces. the amp has a plugin the back for EXT.

Rerouting things right before the monitors.

Hello. Question. I currently have a MOTU 2408 going straight to my Alesis M1 actives. I have a DM-4800 as the front end to my DAW going digtally into the 2408 via 3 lightpipe cables. If I want to just fire up a keyboard and play it in my studio, I have to fire up everything, open a Cubase project, set a track to monitor, blah blah blah. A major pain and inspiration killer.