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Question about drum volume

I have Superior Drummer. Is is best to make all drums and cymbals exactly the same volume, or is there a formula for standard drum volume?

After posting some of my songs, people tell em that the kick is too loud, a crash is too loud, hats are too low, etc.

Should I set my drum levels to a certain standard volume, then tweak the volumes on final mixdown?

Front of drum kit miking: how do you do it?

I read some forum threads and posts on drum recording. One thing that interests me is FOK Micing (it stands for front of kit, right?). I am definitely gonna try and put one or two mics in front of the kit in addition to the the room mics. I thought it would be cool to get some inspiration on how to set them up from people who are using FOK mics.

Drum Replacement Software?

This may sound totally stupid/noob, but anyone here used drum replacer software?

Typically what I do is play 'real' drums to get the parts I want to play and then 're-record' them using MIDI triggers and sample libs. This is mainly because I don't have all the kit one needs to properly close mic a set... plus the set isn't that great.


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