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Clicking and popping noises in Pro Tools session... help!

So I'm towards the end of tracking my first pro tools LE session with my band. We're up to 27 tracks with just a few backup vocals ahead. Up until now everything has been fine but yesterday when I fired up the session I started hearing these clicks and pops at random times while the session is open.

My Samson C01U/Computer producing nasty noise. HELP PLEAASE!

hey, can anyone help me out with my mic? i use the samson c01u usb and everytime i record in adobe audition 1.5 i get this loud visible noise. before i didnt have this problem but up until yesterday it happened. oh yeah, i tried using this mic on my sister's labtop and the noise wasnt there but when i tried recording with it using my pc, the noise came up again.

Reducing noisefloor before going digital (technical)

Hi I have a dynamic omni mic and a preamp. The mic is rated 500 ohm impedance and the preamp input is 10k ohm. I read on a website it is ideal for a mic/pre to have a ratio of 1/10 impedances but my setup is 1/20. Im just trying to figure out ways to lower the noise floor before recording as my current noise floor is workable (-51dB) but still a pain when tracking and compressing.

Soundcraft Ghost console /power supply noise

Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone had trouble with excessive noise from their Ghost Power Supply ? Mine is 5 years old now and it's started making strange sounds ...a bit like wind whistling through an alley ..but far away umm? ... It's quite disturbing when you live on the moors :?

:( DAvid with LoVE.

Which Cables? / Hissing noise / Bass is crazy...

Hello all, another Newbie here.

Here is the deal, I have slowly and steadily realized after reading for many hours here that my purchase of the Behringer 2222FX may not have been a wise choice. However, that is what we have and we will make a go of it until we can afford better.