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Pro Tools is a digital audio workstation developed and released by Avid Technology for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It is used for music creation and production, sound for picture and, more generally, sound recording, editing, and mastering processes.

Pro Tools 7 LE and UAD Multiband Limiter problem

Hi, I've just installed version 4.1 of the UAD1 plugs on my Digi002 PT 7 LE system and activated the demo of the Multiband Limiter; I've inserted the limiter on the master track of a project and I get this situation: the right channel remains unprocessed while the left channel is processed but delayed! I've already tried to change the playback buffer (latency) settings... any suggestions?

Protools|HD 192i/o question.

Hello, I would like to know if anyone has a site or image of a wiring schematic for the DB25 connectors that the 192i/o uses? Also, I'm confused as to how many analog inputs the stock 192i/o has? I see two db25 connectors on the back but each have different voltages? does this mean that there are 16 possible XLR inputs without the added expansion card?


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