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Live vocal grit in the studio


so last night I was mixing a song I recorded. My goal was to give it a live feel, which i was able to to achieve with the instruments, but the vocals just sound to polished. I doubled the vocals and threw it through a sans amp plug to get a more vintage sound. but its really did nothing to bring out the harshness I was trying to achieve.

Intermediate Level : Getting polished vocal tracks


Hi all,

My vocal and harmonies do not sound commercial CD polished. Subjective opinions aside, I want it to sound that way and I hope folks here can share some tips ; )

I know being a Beyonce helps but what I wish to find out is, beside vocal techniques, what recording techniques and tools can improve the situation.

Basic Vocal settings / effects advice


Hi gruop. Well I have done a ton of reading on this site about recording vocals and I can't seem to find some basic information I am looking for. Hopefully someone can give me a hand.

I am not new to recording in my home studio but I am new to recording vocals. I am using Cubase SX3 and Universal Audio plugin effects. I have a vocal iso booth and using a $200 Rhode condensor mic.

Vocal Effects, Mixing techniques.


Hey guys, I'm planning on recording a new song for my solo project and for the vocals during the verse I want to have my voice sound different, like with an effect on it. The type of sound I want is like what Billie Joe's voice sounds like on the verses of American Idiot, it sounds like it has some reverb and maybe a little bit of a like megaphone sound.

vocal effect


Hi all, new to the site here, hopefully this is in the right spot...

I am looking to do a similar voice effect to the one in NIN's "Starf*ckers", the one he uses over the beginning of the verses... although I am not sure how it is created. any input is appreciated...

