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1/2 diaphragm, pencil design
Available Jan 2002, at $451.00
matched pairs are available, consequetive serials, matched freq response.

"a true reproduction of the original. ."


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PlugHead Mon, 10/22/2001 - 20:37

available, can anyone describe the differences between the 451 and the Neumann KM180 series? The 180
series has been the most popular small D condensor over the last several years; have we been missing

Well, 451's are pretty bright (CK-1 capsule), and are more coloured, regarding proximity, than the 184's. The good thing about the old 451's IS the interchangeable capsules - I have the CK-9 shotgun capsule I throw onto the 451 amp body to do location sound when filming/video work. I hear there's a hard to find figure-8 capsule: anybody know a whereabouts of one, let me know!

PlugHead Productions

Guest Tue, 10/23/2001 - 08:43

Me and my Ex Watergate chums broke into the Advanced mic techniques and theory Forum and used our spy camera on the following documents.... Needless to say we are keeping a close tail on member 1113... he seems to "know people" but may make a run for it if he knows we are watching...

Secret File: For your ears only....

Jeff Roberts
RO Member
Member # 1113

posted October 22, 2001 02:59 PM                   
AKG is going to make a new version of the 451. No teeny threads on the capsule. I think they will be non-removable capsules, cardioid only (BOO).

The electronics are descended from the AKG Blue Line, and there will be 2 low cuts, and a 2 position attenuator, unlike the screw-in capacitive pads that Stephen Paul says messed up the frequency response on original 451's.

This was supposed to be introduced at AES.

If I told you how I found out about this I'd have to....


And there it ends, one can only hope agent 1113 is still alive somewhere...
