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If you want to compare foam to my products, at least do it fairly. That is, show the relevant frequency ranges. Since you are either unwilling or incapable of providing a fair and unbiased comparison, I request that you edit your post to remove all references to my company's products.




Guest Wed, 06/25/2003 - 16:36

pre-disclaimer: i have nothing but unmitigated respect for the knowledge and accomplishments of Stephen Paul

that being said...

Ethan reacts (or maybe over-reacts) somewhat emotionally to a criticism of his products by someone whom he feels has lesser technical credentials and knowledge.

Then Stephen Paul then jumps on Ethan for getting emotional and/or over-reacting.

Can anyone fail to see a certain irony here?

Is it excuseable when Stephen does it (a loveable eccentricity?) but a violation of common decency for Ethan to do the same?

Again: I wouldn't have Stephen change the way he is for anything. I just wonder about a level playing field, double standards, etc.

Rod Gervais Thu, 06/26/2003 - 04:16

Originally posted by littledog:

Then Stephen Paul then jumps on Ethan for getting emotional and/or over-reacting.


i have avoided this thread like the plague - not wanting to throw gas on the fire.....

I have respect for all of these people - but I didn't read Stephen's message as jumping on Ethan - i read it as jumping on (your term not mine) both parties involved......... his way of saying "ok kids - enough"........

Yes he did make mention about manufacturers having to have thick skin (my words not his) - and that may apply specifically to Ethan - but his message from my perspective was clearly to both parties.

Stephen - if i am miss-reading this - and thus miss-representing your position - please correct me and accept my apologies.........

Happy Hunting


anonymous Thu, 06/26/2003 - 07:12

Sorry lil'doggy but I too read it as a generalisation rather than being aimed specifically at Ethan.

That being said, I personally (even if I was in the US) would not buy any of Ethan's products if they were the last option available on the planet. I have found his manner and method of bringing up the topic of HIS "traps" in inumerable threads to be personally objectionable and frequently bordering on unacceptable considering his position as a moderator.

But that's just my opinion.


Guest Thu, 06/26/2003 - 08:32

I agree that Stephen's comments were directed to both parties. Sorry for any implication otherwise.

But regardless of the other merits of the debate and the character flaws of the participants, the irony I was alluding to was that we had a situation where an expert and innovator in the field, while involved in a debate with a non-expert, lost his emotional cool - and then was reproved (yes, along with the non-expert) for doing so by another expert/innovator who has a dozen or more threads on his site where he did the pretty much the same thing... (i.e. - lost his cool with someone who dared to question his expertise...)

(Disclaimer: I am not attempting to equate one expert's contributions with the other in historical importance.)

ckevperry Thu, 06/26/2003 - 20:58

Forget foam and traps...the real issues here is folks using Soundblaster and Delta converters. I assert that if I make a record with $1k of foam and then tear it down and make the same record with the $995 Mytek stereo A/D (and buy you a beer with the extra $5) that you will like the second record better. :D

anonymous Fri, 06/27/2003 - 18:24

Originally posted by HiString:
That being said, I personally (even if I was in the US) would not buy any of Ethan's products if they were the last option available on the planet. I have found his manner and method of bringing up the topic of HIS "traps" in inumerable threads to be personally objectionable and frequently bordering on unacceptable considering his position as a moderator.

Yah, nobody else I know around here does that. ;)

anonymous Fri, 06/27/2003 - 22:54

LMAO..............Hey JS, I was waiting for someone to comment along those lines, and believe me I thought long and hard before posting, however I personally believe there are sufficient varying factors for me to have differing views regarding the "parties" you and I are thinking about. :) Others are welcome to their own opinions.
