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Neve: Brent Averill vs Vintech Audio

I'm looking for some vintage Neve modules preamps and my question is:
Everybody knows about the high quality of the Brent Averill modules. But this new company (Vintech Audio) promises the same as Brent Averill with a really low price... ($1289 vs. $1859 for Brent).
Do you think that it's possible for two channels of original Neve 1272 to cost $1289?

Opus !

When you built my PC you gave me a Norton Ghost boot floppy and 2 restore CD's. I am installing a new drive for my OS and wanted to know if I could use these restore disks to get my system back to the way it was. Can I use them on a fresh install or do I have to reinstall all the programs first? Just thought I should ask before I tried.


TT vs 1/4" patchbay

Hello Everyone,

I'm embarassed to ask such a dumb question. I'm putting together my home studio, the heart of which is a
Studer A80 MKIV 1"-8 track. I've collected a smattering of nice gear and it's time to wire it to a patchbay. Is there any real advantage of a TT over a high-end (broadcast quality) 1/4" patchbay?
Thanks in advance!