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New DAW possibly switching to apple...

My current pc is a 1hz pentium 3 with 512mb ram and two 60 gig HDs. I use a Tascam us-428 for my control surface and to get my audio on to the computer, and I use Sonar 2.0 for my software. Apple is offering some decent deals on the G4's...and i am wondering if I go over to mac can I still use what i have now (Sonar .Tascam)?


Has anyone used The MOTU 828MkII? I'm wondering about its monitoring capabilities. I've got the original 828 and I can only monitor 2 channels at a time; I have to pick a pair. That's without latency (their 'CueMix' thing). If I turn software monitoring on in Logic, I believe I can monitor any and all inputs coming in, but then there's that dreaded latency.