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Anyone using the Daking compressor?

Doing alternative rock stuff. I was thinking of trying a pair of distressors on the 2-bus. I already use one on kick and snr. The (compress the sh*t out of them and blend routine).Course I'd have to run a tone to make sure they are matched. That can be a PITA. Was looking for a good 2-bus compressor. Thought the Daking might be cool. Any thoughts or comments appreciated.

sound difference between Urei 1176 and Urei 1178

Can anybody tell me what's the difference in sound between the Urei 1176 and 1178?(I know, the 1178 is stereo) I think there are only silverface 1178 around. Is there an difference like with the 1176 blackface/silverface? Is there something in serial-numbers that's important? Is the four- Buttons-In-Trick working with the 1178.
Hope somebody can help me.