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Matching tempo to audio/midi

I am using Cubase SE and I would like to know how to match the tempo of my project to one of my audio tracks. It sounds like there is a 'timewarp' function that will do this in Cubase SX, but is there any way of doing this in SE? In short, I would like to make 1 bar = the length of one of my audio objects without altering the audio object.

midi Octo-pad for use with Alesis drum brain

I wanted some input from drummers and the like on a midi pad, with 8 pads on it. I see Neil Peart from Rush plays on one of these.
Something like the Roland Octopad (in looks) I only need the pads, I dont need it to do any sampling. I dont care if its Roland or not, I just need some input on which are better or which is more widly used.


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