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NT Bug Fix, any takers?

This one has me baffled. I can't print from LPT1 on my server. IRQ correct, Bios settings correct, Driver for printer correct, all settings correct..but still get message "Error writing to LPT1: Device not ready. Was working, then just quit. Several printers, and drivers tested, same result. No device conflicts, (my computer connection) on this server. No other printers in network.

error messages, please help

Every few boots, I get 1 of 2 errors. The first is the VNETBIOS.vxd BSD. The other is the NTKERN BSD. Both halt the booting process, i have to reboot in safe mode then restart. I run Win98se and have an Asus P4B 266, 512 Ram, 40gig, 60 gig maxtor drives, Firewire card and 80 gig EZquest drive, Yamaha F1 burner and liteon 52x CD drive, KDS rad5 LCD monitor and Matrox 450 dualhead.

Cheap 24 bit or nicer 20 bit?

I have been thinking about this, and wanted some opinions. I am not interested in tech specs nearly as much as sound quality when it comes to my digital recording. So I was wondering, if I am using a fairly cheap 24 bit card (M-Audio Delta card) and compared it to say a Lucid ADA1000, which will only do 20 bits, what will I hear?

Two QWERTY Ketboards

Hello there.I would like to have 2 keyboards at 2 locations in my studio,running at the same time.With a Mac you can just plug the additionl keyboard into the mouse input on the original keyboard and they both work.How would you do it on a PC? (I tried looking for a "Y" cable,and tried one into the keyboard port,and one in the USB port,with no luck.Thanks,Barefoot