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How to become a Mixing/Mastering Engineer

It has been my goal for some time to be a full time mixing and mastering engineer. First, is this possible? Second, how do I get there? Besides the obvious job of getting really great at mixing and mastering, what should I do to get my name out there? How do I build business? I would love to hear how other proffessional mixing and mastering engineers have gotten there.

Mixing Backing Vocals


Hello Everyone,
I have been trying to find out how to make backing vox sound as if they were sorrounding me. I hear it in a lot of hip hop tracks and i would like to do the same to pop, r&b and gospel songs. My question is how can i make the backing vox seem as if the are coming literally out of the speakers and sitting in front of my face. Like as if the sound was in 3D.

mixing effect question

I'm currently in the mixing/editing process of producing my bands first ep and am having trouble finding the right effect. The beginning of the song has an ambient piano part with a snare rI'm part that is playing triplets. I've been putting reverb and different phasers on it and am having trouble getting the right sound without it sounding cheesy.

Professional Mastering and Mixing Service

If you looking for mastering, mixing, audio editing etc - Use our professional business service. Our work is done carefully and individually for each track of any kind of music. We want to make sure your music sounds its best on the highest standards.

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