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Need advice on a mic for Rap/Hip Hop


Hey guys, I've just purchased some software to get prepared for my recordings and now I'm looking to find a good mic. I've always recorded rap/hip hop music and my friends tell me my lyrics are very good but that my cheap mic makes the tracks too ugly. I was hoping I could get some recomendations for purchasing a mic that will give my vocals the quality that they demand for my tracks.

Mic > Firepod+Amp


Would seem fairly simple. For recording live scratch tracks I have two room mics flown and connecting to channels 1+2 of my FP10 (Christmas prez from Sis - Yay!). Two guitars also miced in. Handheld condenser (vocals) runs to a Carvin powered mixer devoid of channel inserts. How do I get this mic also to the Firepod to record a vocal overlay?

Micing a strings quartet ?


In the next days, I have to record a strings quartet formed of two violins, an alto violin, and a cello.

I'm going to use two condenser mics (Beringher B1, and Tascam LD-74 made by MXL) in a Tascam USL-122. I don't have too many choices with the mics. I also posted on Audio ProGear forum, because I plan to buy two tube preamp for that (VBT-1, or ART V3, or TubePre).

First Mic for My Studio-In-Progress


I'm putting together a basement DAW studio ON A BUDGET. I already have the computer I'll be using (PC, dual core), software(got for free, huzzah for good, or rich, friends), a phonic mu 1705 mixer(got a screaming deal), and now I'm looking for a mic. My first mic. I've done a lot of research, but you can only learn so much without actually talking to people.

Cascade Fathead Ribbon Mics


I think I asked about these before, but people had not had a chance to really get their hands on them yet. JoeH gave a quick thumbs up in a previous thread. Has anyone else tried these out? I'm very interested, but keep telling myself, " if it looks too good to be true..." I mean, come on - two ribbon mics, shock mounts, case, Blumlein bar for $325? What's the catch?

mic or pickup?


ok just to get this answer out of the way I know that acoustics are important, and that my room needs a little help in that department. I am working on that. but what I am wondering is. .what is better? I was playing with a really nice guitar the other day ( acoustic electric ) and the pickup in that thing sounded really nice. way better than the condencer mic I am using right now.