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Question about connecting guitar amp to multi track recorder

In the owners manual for the Tascam dp-02cf I purchased it says never to connect your speaker output from your guitar amp to the recorder.

Is this a power regulation issue or could it possibly do much harm by doing so..

So is my only option to mic the amp?

Live guitar EQ issues

i use an Alesis DEQ in my guitar rack. i noticed last night while playing a show that i couldn't hear certain parts of our songs, but then other parts were very audible. i am boosting what i thought where the usual freqs for guitar, but i am wondering if not boosting mids at all is the cause of this. when i say boost, i mean maybe 4db max, and talking freqs from 200-600 and 1.6-6k.

Recording Overdriven Guitar ...issues

I recently bought a fairly low budget set up for sound recording
This includes a:
Behringer fca202 soundinterface, leading to a Behringer mic100 preamp, with an MXL DRK mic.

I'm a sound recording novice but was assured with this set up I should be able to get decent sound even with overdriven guitar.
Not really the case.

Guitar Sound Critique

Hey Guys,

I am getting ready to record my bands second album. I have been experimenting with some guitar sounds before we hit the studio. I want to get some opinions on what I have been playing with.

I'm looking for two main guitar sounds, one really heavy hard rock sound like breaking benjamin or disturbed, and another lighter more modern rock sound.


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