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Observation on Micing electric guitar cabinets.


A short time ago, I posted a question about the necessity of recording electric guitar at high SPL (something I had read many times). The responses were in agreement, and several reasons were given as to why a miced guitar amp records better at loud volumes, including the stress of maxed out speakers and tubes.

which compressor for vocals and acoustic guitar?


I'm recording for myself, vocals and acoustic guitar. It's slow mellow music, with a theory of a deadman type voice.

Wondering what compressor to start with...

I'm planning to purchase:

api512c preamps
Blue blueberry mic for vocals OR Neumann 49 or 67 .
Blue Woodpecker for my acoustic guitar.

now i have to choose a compressor...

recording guitar amps direct

my friend and I got in an argument about whether recording guitars direct is a good idea. He thinks that its better to use a mic and crank the volume on his cab than using a direct box with his amp (he thinks a lot of distortion comes from overdriving the speakers of the cab). I keep telling him that it doesn't matter, but I need some backup :)

Tracking acoustic guitar this morning

Hi everyone. I have a client/friend coming over today to record acoustic guitar and then some vocals. I want to get the best tracks possible obviously and I have made some recordings in the past with acoustic that arent too bad. Let me just tell you what I've got and maybe you can tell me my best options. I have a Tascam DM-4800 and a single UA LA-610 for pres.

Getting the jazz Guitar sound


I was wondering if someone could help me figure out how to get the thick lead guitar sound of jazz guitar that you hear on recorded music like smooth jazz songs.

Can someone tell me what kind of gear I need to get that sound. Below is what I have but can't get the sound I want. Can someone advice me and let me know if I can use my gear. Thanks.

Mixing rock guitar solos

Any general advice on how best to mix a guitar solo for modern rock ala Sevendust and heavier styles. I'm guessing that relatively narrow frequency bands are best suited for this. Last time I recorded an entire CD, I know that solo mixing was a tough part of it. I did ALL kinds of volume automation to try and make things fit and it was "ok" in the end but not great.

Electric guitar-Recording direct via preamp?

Hello, this is my first post here. I decided to join to learn more about recording. I am an enthusiastic beginner, but limited in resources and experience, so I hope others will tolerate my questions which are apt to be basic. I just read Mastering Audio by Katz, and am almost finished Behind the Glass. Both were good reads, and I think I learned something from the simpler parts.

Mic combination for Vocal & Acoustic guitar


Okay so I'm looking mic vocals and acoustic guitar. This doesn't have to be at the same time, though the option would be nice.

I was intending to buy an AT4033 for the vocals but keep getting told the AT4050 provides more options (not just cardioid etc).

Also I was thinking of a stereo matched pair of NT55s. I could also then use these on other things e.g. drum overheads.


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