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what do you think about amp/guitar emulation? Line 6?

Got into an argument with my roommate about amp emulation. My first guitar amp was a Line 6 Flextone II. Which to this day i still have and I love it. My roommate said my amp was crap and hes never heard a good sound from it. On the flip side i know an experienced musician who owns a Variax and owns one of the modeled guitars on the variax.

Bass guitar dull (and a few more ?'s)

I just got finished tracking a rock band. I recorded the bass guitar straight into a direct inject pre on my Firepod, into my computer. compared to other bassists i have recorded, his sound was really dull. i know his guitar wasn't top of the line, and his playing lacked some technique. I dont play any string instruments, so i couldnt really suggest anything to help him.

Great Guitar Tone

Hey guys
i was wondering if anyone out there could give me some advice on getting great guitar tones using a b52 tube amp and a selection of mics (Shure, nady, mxl). I'm trying to get a tone like the ones you would hear on Blink 182, New Found Glory, and Sum 41 albums. The sounds I am getting right now aren't terrible, but I know I can do better on guitar tone as well as all around.

guitar signal splitter

I have been experimenting with recording jazz guitar (7 string archtop) for a while and was thinking a good approach would be to record the direct signal from the pickup along with mic'd up guitar/amp and to mix the various signals together. What is the best way to split the signal from my guitar into two outputs without losing any quality, adding noise, etc.?

Need some help to find a metallica garage inc. guitar sound

I was just wondering everbodys thoughts on how metallica achieved its guitar sound on the garage inc album. On songs like astronomy, whisky in a jar, turn the page. I was wondering peoples thoughts on what amps they used, amp settings, mic technique, mic placement, tracks, tuning, plugins, eq, everything.