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tracking guitars from my control room

I want to play my guitar in my control room. I dont want my Amp anywhere near my control room. I would like to mic my amp in the farthest room in my house and play my guitar in the control room hearing what the mic picks up on my monitors. 3 part question: 1.Good Idea Or Bad Idea? 2. Can I do it like this?

Very confused with Guitar Sounds

Hey, i've been recording for about a year now, so i'm still learning a lot everyday. I invested a lot of money last year for high quality equipment (I am going to college next year for sound engineering) to get started early and to record my band. I've been getting great quality drum tracks and sweet vocal sounds, but I just cannot get any decent guitar sounds.

Best Guitar Amp to Record With?

I am looking for a great guitar amp that I can keep in my studio for bands that arrive with cheap amps. I know that the answer to my question is probably "depends on what sound you are going for." So I should mention I would like to find a great guitar amp that is tube based and has a lot of flexibility. However, the majority of the bands that I record are basic rock bands.

ADVANCED! Acoustic guitar Micing techniques wanted


Hey guys, I'm about to start a session with an acoustic guitar musician (mostly strumming emo stuff). I'm looking to find some advanced Micing techniques. I have seen a few dvd's of instudio footage where the engineer has placed the following setup: pencil facing the sound hole, large diaphragm facing the neck, then two large diaphragms on each side of the guitar.

12-string guitar recording

I'm currently working on recording myself doing some solo instrumentals on a Fender 12-string guitar. Most of the songs are in open C or G tunings, and I'm finding that I get way too much proximity effect when close miking, but when I pull the mikes back, I lose a lot of the "sparkle" that the octave stings add to the music and the bass line goes out the window.