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Help with vocal/guitar recording technique


i'm fairly new to recording, but i've put together a very small home studio to record some of the groups i'm in. most of the research i've read online says when it comes to the quality of recording, use your ears. the biggest problem with that, as both a musician and being the one recording, is that your ears can lie to you

Help with recording metal guitars

Hey guys!

great forum!

This is my recording chain:

Gibson Explorer (stock pups) ----> Behringer Virtualizer Pro (for comp and noise gate) > Boss Metal Zone ----> MOTU 828 ----> Cubase

Can anyone tell me how to get the best distorted metal sound out of this chain cos whenever I record it sounds really crappy and more fuzzy than metal distortion.

Changing to heavy gauge strings on acoustic guitars with no truss rod

Ok, so my parents went to Peru for a while and brought me back this beautiful acoustic guitar made by a small Peruvian shop called Effo Guitars. Upon first playing this acoustic, it sounded great and was very easy to play. However, it had ridiculously light gauged strings on it, which are not suitable for the style of music that I play.

Micing an electric guitar amp using an SM58


Ok, so, I'm attempting to record some guitar tracks onto a Zoom H4 4 track recorder. The recorder has 2 mic inputs. I have 1, possibly 2 sm58s available to me, and I just took the capsule off the mic, and placed it on an angle facing the amp. The recorder also has 2 built in condenser mic's in an XY pattern, if that would be better.

Recording acoustic guitar tuned down one full step

I find that my vocal range tends to work better when I tune my guitar down one full step from standard and start writing songs from here.

Obvioulsy, I'm worried about tuning issues and lack of string tension when I go to record.

Is there a possible way of making a guitar tuned down a full step have the same tension as strings tuned to standard pitch?