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Is there a size limit for a drum room?

My studio is located in a large production house. I have one iso room that's fairly small (11' x 11') with an 8' height. I've always recording drums in there with pretty decent results (or at least to my young ears.) right outside my studio is an enormous warehouse. I've always heard that you should always use the highest ceiling possible for recording drums, but is this overkill?

Drum Sounds

I'm a drummer, but I really don't know how to EQ my kit. Well I can eq the bass drum, but can some of you guys and girls give me some EQ settings like, Where my highs, mids and Lows should be for each drum. Disregard the fact of what kind of music I'm playing I'm just curious to hear how you guys do it. So i can give it a shot.

Thanks a lot.