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Drum mic set


Right i'm looking to invest in a decent set of drum mics as part of a project studio, which is being steadily built upon with the intention of eventually renting it out. Now i'll have to admit i'm not very hot on drum mics, i usually use SM57's on snares and toms, and whatever designated bass drum mic and condensor overheads happen to be available.

kick drum phase

Hey I don't know if this was brought up in the "overhead phase" post but I have heard of people switching the kickdrum's phase since its being miced (in most cases) from inside the sound hole or on the resonant head. Its just something that I don't hear it enough to think that it is worth it or right. I have tried it my self and i didn't really hear a difference.


Drum recording tips needed for a small tracking booth


I'm about to record a drum kit. Since my tracking room is a small one (2.0 m wide 5.0 m long 2.5 m high) there's no other chance than placing the kick drum so close to the wall.

What kind of problems may occur in this situation and what are your recommendations to overcome.


time for new Drum overhead mics


Hey, I've been using the same drum overhead mics for every project I do myself or for others the past 5 years, and I think it's time to change it up. It's not that I dislike the sound I just don't want to have the same overhead sound, ya know. I have been using the AKG c430's matched pair for those five years and now I am looking for another sound.