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question about drum machine (midi) with pro tools

hi everyone, I'm kinda new at the recording thing so try to bare with me. lol. ok here it is. i have a Boss DR-670 drum machine hooked up with my Pro Tools digi002 setup. I was told that ihave to have an audio track opened with a midi track when recording anything midi. This did give me input and output volume. BUT.

Drum mics: CAD or Samson


I need to buy a set of drum mics and my budget is not even enough to buy one REAL mic. My kit is pretty big (2 snare, 4 tom, 1 BD, and 7 cymbals) and I want the sound of close Micing the toms so that rules out the 2 overheads and a bass mic method. Its between the CAD pro-7 pack and the Samson 7 or 8 kit. They both have good reviews considering thier price. Does anyone have any insight?

Drum simulation

Does anyone here know of any particular software that does at least a decent job of simulating a real drum set. I just have some simple recordings (recorded with a desk mic, both vocal and guitars) and since I dont have a drumset I'd like to be able to expirement with different drum patterns to these songs I'm recording.

Any input is appreciated!

Attention: Stickers..regarding drum recording

Hey Stickers,

sorry for this informal way of contacting you, I tried PM'ing you, but it wouldnt let me. .quick question for you, ...what preamps do you use on the drums.

Right now, I'm using the 4 Pre's that are built into the Digi 002...1 for my OH# 1, the 2nd for my OH#2, the 3rd for my Kick drum, and 4th for my snare.